Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My First Easter

Masons first Easter was great! We opened his Easter basket and he got his pool, clothes, new shades and we threw in some jelly beans for good measure! The Easter Bunny even came hopping to our house that morning!!! We then went to B-Ma and B-Pa's and had lunch with Uncle Matt and Aunt Britni. Next we headed over to my Mom's house with a surprise in store. My sister Kifferi and niece Evie came into town for a few days. We had our big easter egg hunt as well for all the kids. I got to hunt Masons eggs! It was a great weekend and another first under our belt!

Mason Daddy and the Easter Bunny

So Happy

Rockin his Shades

Mommy and Mason

Daddy and Mason


Getting Masons eggs

Helping Jax

Love that Smile

Pool TIme

We got Mason his first pool for Easter but we opened it on Saturday because it was such a pretty day and we knew we would be gone all day Sunday. He LOVED it. He chilled and relaxed for a good hour. He takes after me in that department. 

Like Mother Like Son

Smiling at Daddy

Our Little Easter Bunny

Easter weekend we had to try out his ears!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My 2 Boys

I was talking to Mason while JC was holding him and I got one of the best pictures yet. How sweet are these two. Love Love Love them sooooooo much!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Buddy

We went down the street Sunday to see Masons new best friend Ryan Alan. He is so tiny (even at 8lbs) and sweet. Looks just like his big brother Ethan. Ethan adores Mason so much and all of us cant wait to see them grow up together. There will be more pictures soon of Ryan and Mason, he was eating most of the time! Mason also has another new buddy, my friend Carlie had her son on Monday. Cooper Ryan is here and doing great! Out of all 3 babies, Mason has been the smallest weight size. I thank Mason for that!!

Ryan Alan

Monday, April 18, 2011

Boo Easter

MAson was not happy about what we did to him but it makes a funny pictures. This is his new Easter basket that I ordered! 

Love being outside

Mason thinks on the weekends that he can stay up later and hang out!! (We do let him slide on the naps as long as he is in a good mood!! And Saturday thats just what we did and you can tell that he was just in heaven. JC and Mason were burning stuff in the chiminea, and I was power washing the drive way. The weekend was great and gorgeous!

Bumbo Time

I love this thing and Mason is somewhat liking it. We go it Friday and we have put him in it a few times. He of course liked it when we put him outside!

staring at the trees

hanging on the moonwalk