Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This Face

No words to describe it!!

IPad Pictures

JC worked late today and Mason and I had a little Mommy and Mason time in the backyard. He was in such a good mood, so I tried out my camera on the IPad. I love this thing. It does everything. He is really trying to sit up these days and of course he falls over (which he finds amusing) but I got some great pictures while we were in the backyard! Not much longer and I wont have to help him!

Busy Outside

This was Monday, the day he turned 5 months old and we spent the day outside playing and BBQing. We got some really good shots of him and I cant wait to put them up in the house this summer! 

I Can do it All

Now, the day he turned 5 months old, Mason I guess decided that he could do it all. We tried out all of his "sitting up" toys and he completely sat there like a big boy. Before when we put him in them, he would lean and cry. Now its like he has been doing it forever! He really doesnt do a whole lot but sit in them and listen to the songs, but I know before long, the loud banging will begin!!

5 Months Old

Time has flown by and on Monday, Mason turns 5 months. So much has changed and its been better than we could have imagined. He is really starting to interact with us now and laughing and giggling like crazy. We go Monday for a nurse visit, so I will let yall know how much we weighs next week.

IPad Fun

I got an IPad 2 for my birthday and Mason loves it. Give him a few months and he will be totally manipulating it better than I will!

His names Wally

Im taking a shower on Friday morning (my birthday) and JC comes in and says, "Want to see a baby raccoon?". I say no and then realize that he is being serious. I am completely grossed out but I had to get a picture of it. It was laying right by our front door!!! I then told him to get rid of it. He proceeds to do so and then he tells me its in the bushes. Thats not what I meant by get rid of it. Luckily, later on that night, it took off. The whole neighborhood came over Friday for a BBQ for my birthday, but the raccoon was a hit!!

My NEW Chair

JC had this made by a guy at work. He got 2 of them and he is going to stain them. I absolutely LOVE them! How cool are they!??!!

Fun Fun Fun

Of course, every evening we go outside and this was last week. Mason discovered that if he is on his tummy and I lift him up with his legs, that is the greatest thing in the world. He was cracking up. I didnt get a great smile but you can see it from the side.


Went to my brothers a few weekends ago and Jax, McKenna, Zac, Blake and Max all got to see Mason again. Jax wanted nothing to do with Mason until McKenna started playing with him. Then Jax came over and started playing. He pointed to all of Masons body parts and told us to what each one was. It was so freakin cute!

Jax and McKenna

Haley, McKenna, Jax, Tyler and Zac

somethings funny!

