Thursday, September 29, 2011

Future Texan

Talk about a linebacker. First for the Longhorns, then the Texans!!!!

Feed Me Feed Me

FINALLY, Mason eats and eats and eats.

Jax and Mason

We had Jax last weekend and he is the sweetest little boy ever! Loves Mason and was not nearly as jealous as last time. He even asked where Mason was a few times! I took them both to Moody Gardens (by myself since JC was working) and we saw penguins, seal, fish, all kinds of stuff. They both enjoyed it and came home and slept for 2 hrs straight. Gotta love that!

One Tooth Two Teeth

Mason cut his first tooth 2 days after turning 8 months old and then a week later cut the 2nd tooth. We knew they were coming in and it was just a matter of time. But we were fortunate there was no fevers or anything like that. He had a runny nose 2 weeks before he cut the first tooth and then it just came through. The second tooth, he was a little more cranky but nothing major like I have heard happens when kids get teeth. Heres hoping to more experiences like that!

Better Late than Never

Yes I am a slacker but i guess yall have to deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! School is back in session and spending time with family takes the cake. I could take 5-10 minutes and do real quick updates but.........yeah thats not what I think about these days. So here is a quick run thru! Mason got to spend 3 weeks with his BMa when my mom went to see my sister (more to come on that). He had a ball and they took such good care of him. He got to go over there this past week and my mom said he smiled big when they walked in! My big sister had her 2nd baby, a boy, named Oliver or Ollie for short, and from what I see and hear, he is super  tiny. In his pictures he looks like a little doll (really). We cant wait to get ALL the kids together. Hopefully soon! Grandma came back home and Mason is back to feeding the cows, chickens, and playing in the garden. So with that said, enjoy what follows. Its a cumulation of photos for many reasons.
1. My memory card is full and i refuse to delete photos, so I have to buy a new one.
2. All i take is pictures with my IPad because of reason #1. 

my silly snort face!

silly snort

naked outside is the best

Loves the grass

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

8 Months Old

Mason is now 8 months old and boy is this milestone month! He cut his first tooth 2 days after turning 8 months and there is another one coming in right next to it. He is up on all 4s trying his hardest to get going. We know its coming any day now. He finally started eating all kinds of food (we have been working on this since he was 4 1/2 months). He loves plums, peaches, zucchini, carrots w/cottage cheese, and peas. Loves peas. He is eating so much now and since I make his food, we get to experiment with new stuff! He also loves eating whatever we are eating, so we are about to just start giving him more of what we eat! He will completely eat off our fork or spoon over his spoon. We are giving him water in a sippy cup but he actually likes to drink out of a cup or water bottle better. Whatever works with him. Neither one of us can believe its already been 8 months. We are loving every minute and we cant wait to get home in the evenings. Mommy and Daddy love you Mason!

Crazy Child

This boy is head over heels in love with water. He cracks us up every night in the tub. He completely submerges himself under the faucet and then cracks up. He also tries to drink the water from the tub and we have to force him back up because he is trying to go under water!