Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Mommy and Daddy

I can officially post this now. Going on a week as of today, Mason has been sleeping through the night. We have got into a regular routine and it seems to be working. We start getting ready for bed about 7:30 with a bath and then about 8:15 he gets a bottle and by 9 he is down for the night. He sleeps til about 4:30 (which is perfect because thats when JC gets up and goes to the gym), eats and goes back to sleep til 8. We also have our regular day routine too in which mommy gets to work out. Mason sleeps for an hour during our walk around the neighborhood, come home, he gets a bottle and then he goes down for the afternoon around 12. He usually sleeps about 4 to 4 1/2 hours. We are definitely going to keep this routine at Grandmas when I go back to work (with a few minor adjustments).

So officially, Mason started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. Hallelujah!!

so sleepy

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Situation

We have our own "Situation" brewing over here! We are avid sunglass people and if anyone knows me or JC, they know we love love love our sunglasses (i got a new pair for valentines)!! So Mason of course is going to love wearing sunglasses as he grows up, not only to be cool and styling, but to protect his eyes! Its one of the best things they started making for infants! I bought them this weekend and he wears them during our walks in the neighborhood. They dont bother him (yet) so hopefully he will be used to wearing them and they wont phase him.

Too Cool for School

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Couldnt Resist

I could not resist this sneak attack!


Slacking on posting until today but you get what you get when you get it. This was tonight (Sunday night). We went to Jenn's baby shower and he did awesome. Slept, pooped his pants twice, and looked around at everything. He got to hang out with Aunt Britni and met Daphne (our neighbors little girl who is 8 months old). It was out first "formal" outing besides going to family and he lasted 2 hours. I was a very happy mommy. I even called my mom to brag how well he did. He crashed when we came home. When he woke up, I gave him his bath and he is so funny in it now. He hangs his leg off the side. JC says he is laying in his hammock!
Eating his hand off!

Check out my rolls!

Keep Ya Chin Up

This was on Saturday. He was doing so good and then he got mad. It only lasts a little bit but Im glad I finally got pictures of his holding his head so high. He was fascinated by the circles on his mat.
what are those?

my mind is amazed

its so cool

Head Up High 

Book before Bed

My entire family has a rule that we follow in that we read a book every night before bed. My mom started that with us when we were young and I want to follow with that and do it with Mason. Little did I know, the other night after Masons bath, I went to make his bottle and had him on his mat. JC walks in there and gets one of his books and starts reading to him. I love it!

Reading before bed

Quiet time with Daddy

My Boys

Tummy Time

Practice makes perfect. Last week we did some tummy time, since lately Mason has been holding his head by himself more and more! Yes, he still rolls over and I roll him back and Yes he still gets mad but its getting better. He has also found his hand and that is the new highlight of his day, besides his bath! He may one day eat his hand off!

getting there

checking out his mat

eating my hand

Better Late than Never

I should have posted this a week ago, but time got by me! We took this picture last Tuesday to wish B-Pa a Happy Birthday...

Monday, February 14, 2011

First Valentines Day

Masons first valentines day started off with a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood, in which he fell asleep, but its great for me because that means we can walk that much longer. Grandma came over later on in the morning and helped him work on his daddys valentines present! Turned out so cute and JC loved it!

Just woke up and time to play!

His present all framed up!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Leader of the Pack

JC and I went and walked around the neighborhood Saturday and stopped at the Moodys on the way home. They are expecting a little boy (Ryan) in April and Ethan is all geared up and ready to be a big brother. Ethan being 3 1/2, he was especially interested in the stroller and was asking questions, particularly "WHY" and "WHAT". What is this part of the stroller and Why do we have to have that on the stroller! So we let him take Mason on a spin around the driveway. Ethan is going to be a "big brother" to Mason as well and I can already see Mason and Ryan following along as Ethan leads and tells them what to do!!


Seeing Double Yet?

As the days go by Mason looks more and more like JC.  Mason loves his daddy and his daddy loves him back more than Mason will ever know. Its fun to watch them two together and see Mason look over when JC starts talking! My favorite guys ever!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Future Longhorn

So as my family goes, we are TEXAS fans. So of course Mr, Mason must sport the true Longhorn spirit with Texas clothes. JC and myself bought him many Longhorn outfits, but B-Ma's best friend Janie took it one step further. She went to the Thanksgiving game against Texas A & M and came back with a stock pile of clothes for Mason. (Thanks Janie) He still has to grow into a few things but he is ready for his future education in Austin (he just doesnt know it).

And as it goes, I am always the one taking pictures of Mason. I want him to look back and see me and him together so I took the opportunity when he was in a good mood!!

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday started out with us FINALLY, having nice weather and I was determined to go for a walk. Mason and I had not been out of the house since the following Monday since Texas decided to have ridiculously cold weather, freezes, etc. We had wanted to go for Masons "first neighborhood walk" as a family but JC had to be left out. I couldnt let the nice day go! Mason of course was asleep before I even rolled out of the driveway! We both needed the fresh air.

Years past, we have spent Super Bowl hanging out with friends, drinking beer and enjoying the game. This year its feeding a baby, dealing with allergies, a jealous dog and bath time. I wouldnt trade it for anything!

How I watched the game!
My first bubble bath!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tummy Not

Yes, I know we have to "practice tummy time" and work those neck muscles. I thought the play mat would come in handy for this, as well as playtime, wear the baby out, etc. Tummy time is not really tummy time anymore on his mat because he goes from this:
not having it

to this:

rolling over mad
Everytime I put him on his stomach, he immediately rolls over! So now we have to be extra careful when and where we lay him down. 

i can be so sweet!!

So instead we do tummy time on the boppy. He enjoys for about 5 seconds and then he starts kicking his legs and he is done. His neck muscles are pretty strong already (maybe daddy is slipping him protein powder in his milk), or maybe its all the protein mamas been eating!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

One Month Old

Mason is now 1 month old and it growing quickly. He weighed 7lbs 7 oz and 19 in. when he was born. At his 2 week check-up he was 8lbs 10 oz and 20 in., so I am sure he is over 9 lbs now. He eats like a hoss and sleeps somewhat good. He is starting to get his days and nights reversed again, so I we are working on getting that straightened out. We also have started putting him in his bed for his naps and at night. Naptime he sleeps great in his bed, at night is a completely different story.
One month Old

Handsome Lil Guy

Kisses from Mommy

My two favorite people

Me and Mommy
   He has completed one big milestone and that is rolling over from his tummy to his back. My sister was here when he did it the first time and we both recorded it. Over the last few days, he has done it more and more. We gotta do tummy time and I guess he doesnt like it very much, because he gets mad and rolls over. He rolls over to both sides and its pretty cool to watch. I will put him back on his tummy and then he rolls right back. Funny thing about it though is that he isnt a huge fan of being on his back!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Meeting Jax

Jax and Mason

Checking him out

My lil buddy

So freaking cute

I want to hold him

Love love love him


trying to get in!
So our first visit out was to Grandma's house. She was watching Jax for a few days and so I wanted them to meet. Jax was all over it. We walked in and Jax said "baby" right away. It was so cute. We then had to put the car seat down and Jax hovered over Mason for a few minutes. Jax calls me Yacey and so I kepy trying to get him to say Mason. It came out Masey (which is to freaking cute). Jax was being his adorable self and kept coming around whenever my mom or me had Mason. Finally Jax started saying Masey over and over again so we asked him if he wanted to hold him and he said yes. He did this twice and each time he held him for a few minutes and when he was done he started pushing Mason away. It was so funny. Jax then started getting jealous of Mason and whenever Mason was being held, Jax was in somebodys lap, Mason needed his diaper changed, well Jax needed his changed. At one point Mason had pooped, well guess who also did..yep Jax did too. Jax even wanted to get in Masons car seat and be strapped in! These little guys are only 21 months apart, so they are going to grow up close and we cant wait to watch them play and be best buds!