Thursday, February 3, 2011

Meeting Jax

Jax and Mason

Checking him out

My lil buddy

So freaking cute

I want to hold him

Love love love him


trying to get in!
So our first visit out was to Grandma's house. She was watching Jax for a few days and so I wanted them to meet. Jax was all over it. We walked in and Jax said "baby" right away. It was so cute. We then had to put the car seat down and Jax hovered over Mason for a few minutes. Jax calls me Yacey and so I kepy trying to get him to say Mason. It came out Masey (which is to freaking cute). Jax was being his adorable self and kept coming around whenever my mom or me had Mason. Finally Jax started saying Masey over and over again so we asked him if he wanted to hold him and he said yes. He did this twice and each time he held him for a few minutes and when he was done he started pushing Mason away. It was so funny. Jax then started getting jealous of Mason and whenever Mason was being held, Jax was in somebodys lap, Mason needed his diaper changed, well Jax needed his changed. At one point Mason had pooped, well guess who also did..yep Jax did too. Jax even wanted to get in Masons car seat and be strapped in! These little guys are only 21 months apart, so they are going to grow up close and we cant wait to watch them play and be best buds!

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